My Dentist Wants to Send Me to A Periodontist

We know that some of you are actually telling the truth and we applaud that. Some people, and we try not to judge, slack a little on their personal dental management and that's okay as long as you're willing to go the extra mile when it's necessary. Gum disease or just gum problems are a byproduct of irregular personal dental habits. As you age the problems happen more quickly and more severely, with greater consequences. If you're starting to have gum problems you might not be able to bounce back as quickly as you once could. Your dentist may suggest that you see a periodontist.

A periodontist specializes in gum problems. They've had an additional 3 years of training after dental school for their specialty. Their job is to enact the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease. A visit to one sounds daunting but it's not. They can help you keep your teeth for your entire life and even do a little cosmetic work if that's what you want.

Now your dentist may be able to take care of your immediate gum needs but if your problem is severe you may need to see a periodontist. Also, if you have a complex medical history or current problems, a periodontist will be able to more thoroughly help you. Issues compounding gum disease include medications, heart problems, diabetes, pregnancy, and others.

Periodontists commonly help patients with scaling, root planing (cleaning of root surfaces), root surface debridement (removal of damaged tissue), and surgical procedures for severe gum disease. They can also repair and place dental implants if that's something on your radar.

On your first appointment your periodontist will examine your gums, check your bite, check for loose teeth, and check your "periodontal pockets." This last one refers to the space between your gums and teeth and it's an effective indicator for gum disease. They may also take x-rays to determine the health of bone below the gum line. Once they've determined the state of your gums they will recommend treatment and/or changes to your dental routine.

We're continually reading research that connects periodontitis with other chronic age-related problems. As this awareness continues and grows it will only become more important to stay ahead of gum problems for they are among those that you can generally control. Visit your periodontist with an open mind and renewed commitment to your teeth. Your gums will thank you!

Article Source: My Dentist Wants to Send Me to A Periodontist

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