Cheap Yet Effective DIY Teeth Whitening

Yellowing of the teeth is mainly caused by cigarette and other carbonated drinks. Coffee is also one reason to consider. It is a good thing that this kind of teeth problem has a lot of remedy. Simply brushing your teeth daily will lessen the discoloration of the teeth, however, this alone will not be effective if you want your teeth go back to its natural color. You may choose to visit your dentist since there are many whitening solutions for teeth that your dentist may recommend. If you are thinking of your budget and could not afford a dentist, then you may try DIY teeth whitening. This will definitely save you from expensive whitening procedures.

Baking soda is an effective and cost friendly way of whitening your teeth. You only need to prepare enough amounts of baking soda and water. Mix it together until it become sticky or toothpaste-like form. The application is simple; just apply it in every part of your teeth like you are applying toothpaste. The taste is different from your toothpaste but it surely is effective, so bear with the taste if you want a satisfying result. Well, if you want other alternative, you can buy teeth whitening products from drugstores and groceries. Prices of those products range at $13 to $41. There are gel and strips form solutions that you can choose from. There is also this Luster 1 Hour White Tooth Whitening that whitens teeth by light cure. This is the same with light treatments that dentist usually use.

So if you are after white teeth, maximize your options by looking for varieties of diy teeth whitener. Check on the feedback center of each online site of teeth bleaching products so you can compare different products of your choice. If there is budget constraint, you may just use the baking soda since it works exactly the same with those commercialized products.

In order to learn more about diy teeth whitening [], you are welcome to visit our website that has very good info on diy teeth whitener [].

By George D. Clark 
Article Source: Cheap Yet Effective DIY Teeth Whitening

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