How to Use Baking Soda Toothpaste to Keep Your Mouth Clean

A visit to the dentist can be extremely painful, not only in terms of the degree of discomfort and pain we will no doubt need to endure as a result, but also due to the rather costly fees that are invariably levied for the services rendered. Brushing your teeth should be a top priority because not only will it ensure that we have a nice smile (and will not crack any mirrors whenever we open our mouths) but it also means that we reducing our risks of developing problems such as mouth cancer and gum infections. If you want to maintain strong, clean, attractive and healthy teeth then prevention is better than the cure, and so it is strongly recommended that you make use of baking soda toothpaste. Dental care is your responsibility, not just your dentist's.

Many people assume that the only way to either prevent or remove unsightly staining and discoloration of their teeth is to have their teeth professionally polished, this is an expensive option indeed and thankfully, there is a much more cost effective solution at hand. Baking soda toothpaste has been recommended by thrifty mothers and professional dentists across the world, and a little known fact is that toothpaste can actually cause damage to our teeth! This is because cheaper toothpastes are abrasive meaning that they wear down the enamel, that tough filmy layer on our teeth. Baking soda on the other hand only ever causes harm to the enemies of your mouth, never the mouth itself. Be care when you brush your teeth.

Baking soda is an entirely natural mineral and one of the reasons that it is such an effective and potent cleaning agent is that it specifically helps to keep the pH level in our mouths as neutral as possible. When our mouth becomes too acidic, that causes damage to our teeth enamel and also provides plenty of fuel for the bacteria that resides in our mouths to cause decay and staining. If you have ever wondered what causes that unpleasant odor in our mouths (bad breath) then the short answer is: too much acid in the mouth.

The alternative is to add the baking soda to some water and then continually stir the mixture until you get a paste and then proceed to continue brushing your teeth as normal. Either of these options are equally valid and effective.

Here is a great tip from me, instead of buying one of the best []teeth whitening products. Whilst it is entirely possible to purchase []baking soda toothpaste from a drug store or dentist, it is also possible to use baking soda and peroxide to clean your teeth and your mouth and you may find that this is a much more cost effective option. The "process" involved in the usage of baking soda and peroxide as a cleaning agent for your teeth is extremely straightforward, apply a small amount to your toothbrush and then brush your teeth as you would normally! Now how hard was that!?

Article Source: How to Use Baking Soda Toothpaste to Keep Your Mouth Clean