Are There Any Home DIY Teeth Whitening Methods That Work?

If you are considering whitening your teeth, there are many things to think about. Is DIY teeth whitening a valid option? Well lets take a look at the different methods available.

Do-it-yourself teeth whitening can be divided into two groups: First, the home remedy type methods or you could say the "mix it at home" methods. And second, the commercial kits bought at the pharmacy and used at home without any assistance.

The home remedies:

There are quite a few "home" teeth whitening ideas running around. The use of baking soda as a tooth paste is very old. It was used as the "paste" itself or added to the regular tooth paste. This method has its drawback because of the abrasion it will do to the teeth enamel over time and is not usually recommended.

Other home solutions include the use of lemon juice, strawberries and other fruits. The idea is that the acid of lemons will bleach the teeth. The success of these methods are nominal at best and it's not good for teeth to be continually "soaked" in the acid.

DIY commercial products:

In the past there were tooth pastes sold and advertised with baking soda - but as said above this can be harmful. It seems that all the tooth paste companies have tooth whitening tooth paste now. This does help keep your teeth white but simply will not remove a lot of the stains.They are good for maintaining the brightness after a good whitening has been done. Even these should not be over used.

The use of whitening strips was very popular for a while but don't seem to be used much anymore. The strips go over the teeth and need to remain for a long while so the bleaching agent can work on the teeth. They are hard to keep in place and very messy.

Probably the method seen most often is the use of teeth trays and a peroxide mixture. The bleaching agent would be placed into the tray and the tray placed on the teeth. It would then need to remain in place so the whitening of the teeth could take place. Many problems can arise with this method as well depending on brand and usually the cost. Fact is if the tray does not fit closely to the teeth then it will give a poor result. The whitening will not be uniform usually leaving the the tip of the teeth very white and then the whiteness fades closer to the gum.

There are some teeth that will not whiten. Certain antibiotics if given to children while their teeth are still forming will cause the teeth to be discolored and gray. Unfortunately there is nothing to do about this. Of course there is the option of total tooth replacement with caps to improve the appearance of even these darkened teeth.

All of our teeth are different and the teeth whitening needed can be different to. DIY teeth whitening will work for some people and just flat will not for others. See other ideas on teeth whitening a the blog site: DIY Teeth Whitening []. That address is http://www.TeethWhiteningTraysOnline [].

By Jay Leger 
Article Source: Are There Any Home DIY Teeth Whitening Methods That Work?

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  1. My teeth aren't as white as they used to be, and I'm sick of it. It sounds like these commercial products work quite well! It would be nice to be able to pick something up at the store, and have it whiten my teeth so quickly! It's good to know that I should check out the different brands, and see what is best for me.
