DIY Teeth Whitening, How to Save Thousands by Doing it Yourself

The Ultimate DIY Teeth Whitening Secrets.

How to do it yourself, whiten teeth and boost your confidence. The first thing most people notice when they speaking are your teeth.

The cost of teeth whitening are phenomenal, buying a car would cost less.

Learn the secrets of whiten teeth home remedies and DIY whitening systems. 

Do it with Salt.

Wet your tooth brush, apply salt (table salt/rock salt) brush teeth as normal. This is a very effective teeth whitener, giving your mouth a fresh clean feel, killing germs. Not to be used too often as this method to whiten teeth can be abrasive.

Rhubarb, DIY Teeth Whitening

Rhubarb is a natural healer, rhubarb root powder can be used as a whitener and healing a variety of problems with dental diseases. Slice rhubarb, blend in a mixer with a small amount of water. Put a small amount of the juice in the mouth and brush as normal, do not swallow. This is a very effective method to whiten your teeth.

The Best Pearly White Products, Pro's And Con's.

There are many do-it-yourself products to whiten teeth available both in your local chemist or supermarket and on line. These systems for bleaching your teeth are very effective and long lasting.

Some pearly teeth whitening systems involve wearing a bleaching tray while you sleep. The bleaching solution is applied to the bleaching tray, this whitens the teeth while you sleep.

 This is very effective, but can make the teeth sensitive to hot and cold drinks.

The Writing Is On The Teeth

The revolutionary teeth whitening pen, easy to use, works instantly. DIY whiten teeth pens are the approved by dentists, these pens are cheaper and are as effective if not more effective than "In House Systems.

Check out [] for risk free trail for []DIY Teeth Whitening Pens,

By Ronnie Burkemore 
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Homemade Teeth Whitener

Contrary to popular belief, whitening your teeth doesn't have to be expensive. The most effective treatment, laser teeth whitening, is indeed very expensive. This procedure can you up to $1,000! Less expensive teeth whitening products include whitening toothpaste, whitening gel trays, whitening mouthwash, and whitening strips. All of these have various degrees of effectiveness; the whitening mouthwash is the least effective, and the whitening strips and whitening gel trays are the most effective, each in their own way. Although these products are less expensive than laser teeth whitening, they are still going to set you back more money than you probably want to spend. So, how can you whiten your teeth without spending a fortune? Make your own teeth whitener!

Making your own

A homemade teeth whitener is very easy to make and incredibly effective when used correctly. You only need two ingredients: baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (these both can be bought for very little money at your local grocery store or pharmacy). Put a pinch of baking soda in a bowl and mix it with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, and you have your homemade teeth whitener ready to use.

How to use your homemade teeth whitener

Dab your toothbrush into the homemade teeth whitener and begin brushing the front of your top and bottom teeth (only the teeth in the front of the mouth which need to be whitened). This procedure works best when the teeth are very dry. To dry, use a paper towel or cotton ball on the lips, gums, and teeth where the paste will be applied. Brush for two full minutes (time yourself, if you need to), spending one minute on the top teeth and one minute on the bottom, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

You must continue to use fluoride toothpaste

Remember, this is a teeth whitener only! It does not contain the cleaning chemical, fluoride, which dentists recommend as the number one chemical to clean the teeth with. In order to maintain good dental hygiene, you must continue to brush, floss, and see your dentist as normal. Use the homemade teeth whitener before you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

Combining with other teeth whitening products

The homemade teeth whitener can be combined with other teeth whitening products for a better whitening effect, but users should be cautious. Too much hydrogen peroxide exposure can cause tooth and gum sensitivity. Listen to your mouth well, and try to avoid getting too much hydrogen peroxide on the gums.

More about teeth whitening products and how to choose the one that's right for you here at []teeth whiteners.

Article Source: Homemade Teeth Whitener

The Secrets And Truth About Brite Teeth Whitening

Author: Joe Wiley
Within the endure 10 years the field of teeth whitening, both in the dental office and at home, has changed immensely. Essentially, there are two unique supplies to get whiter teeth: dental (in-office) whitening, and an at home treatment. Discover a few secrets almost teeth whitening that your dentist hopes I'll never notify you!


I can inform you based on data from first-hand experience, dentists LOVE the patient who wants to have a teeth whitening procedure in the dental office. Back in the early '90's there was only one choice available.

Your dentist can acquire molds of your teeth, send them off to a lab, and in 5-10 days receive back your tailored fitted teeth whitening mouthpiece. Then you could sit in the dental chair for 1-2 hours, among these plastic teeth whitening molds filled among peroxide (at a very low concentration) pressed against your teeth and gums.

After 3-4 visits, your teeth might be lawfully declared whiter (and regularly they were), and you would be sent real estate with a good $500 - $1,000 bill to pay. And investing in whiter teeth of course.

I'll be the first to admit, dental office teeth whitening has appear a for a long while way in the previous 10 years. Now the a good number of popular teeth whitening dental office course well&wshyp;known as Laser Bleaching (or Power Bleaching, Argon Bleaching, etc.) is a shorter process. Basically this teeth whitening procedure consists of the application of a concentrated peroxide gel onto your teeth, then for the next hour you sit in a dental chair surrounded by your mouth wide open, additonally a special neutral (usually argon) is shined onto the teeth whitening paste that in turn chemically reacts in the peroxide to comprehensive the teeth whitening process in as short a age period as possible.

This teeth whitening procedure performs work. Although, several dentists say the you get a whiter smile by repeated tray applications because the teeth whitening peroxide stays in contact with your teeth for longer periods of time. The downside is that you nevertheless get stuck with that fat $500 - $1,000 bill (at the very least for the good teeth whitening procedure).And you a great deal need to either come returning 6 cycles then for an extra teeth whitening (excuse me - a touch up!), or you're issued some take residential structure whitening items. Why subsequently did you spend $500 - $1,000 money for an in-office teeth whitening procedure?

Fortunately, as multiple other things in life, technology stepped in to form teeth whitening easier and a larger amount of affordable!


I'll say currently subsequent to clearly to get it out in the open, it is now possible (in roughly all cases) to achieve "dental office" superiority teeth whitening, according to the comfort of your own home! "At-Home" teeth whitening has taken a bite out of (sorry for the pun) the "in-office" electricity bleaching systems, where millions of corporate advertising dollars now vie with the comfort of teeth whitening at home.

And rightly so...

Up until a few years ago, teeth whitening was a fairly complex process. The hard half was making those fitted mouthpieces for each patient, for this grounds alone, home teeth whitening was not an option for a multitude of people.



Brush-on teeth whitening in principal is a the best concept, just brush on the formula, make it easier for it to dry on your teeth, and let is keep on your teeth overnight. Sounds simple, right?

In reality, brush-on teeth whitening is designed for the segment of the public the current is in love with shortcuts (in a good amount words, for those everybody who do not seek to spend the time to do it better the first time). Brush-on teeth whitening has TWO MAIN FLAWS:

1. When you brush on the teeth whitening formula, it relies on the premise that it should dry on your teeth. This is insane in principle, but if you get the teeth whitening formula wet (i.e. based on what i read in saliva or from licking your teeth) afterward it becomes REALLY easy to rub off aspects of the formula. And bet how occurs if you rub off alone portion of the teeth whitening formula? You got it - you don't get an even whitening result! It turns out patchy and blotchy.

2. The minute flaw through most brush-on teeth whitening as I see it, is the ingredients. If you watch at the cog register of the leading brush-on whitener, you will see the beforehand ingredient is alcohol. If you have read over my ebook "The Bad Breath Bible" consequently you presently know that alcohol is shoddy for your breath! Actually, I'm sure the trigger why they've added alcohol to their teeth whitening formula is while it's needed as a desiccant (something that dries out the formula so overly it supposedly stays on your teeth at night). However, too still does not diminish the affects it can own on your gums and your breath. Also, several of these types of brush-on teeth whitening formulas contain glycerin that literally sucks the moisture out out of the enamel of your teeth and it is the main cause of multiple tooth sensitivity from teeth whitening.


The moment most median type of housing teeth whitening is utilizing whitening strips. The chief lure of this piece of real estate teeth whitening option is the strips' simplicity of use, they're easy to apply and no preparation is necessary. Again, homeowners loves shortcuts, right? Unfortunately, once again that's exactly the brand of teeth whitening you end up getting! Let me explain...

Strips that stick on your teeth normally consist of an upper strip and a lower strip each pressed against the outer surface of your teeth. Now think right about this for a second...Are your teeth utterly flat? Of course not - properties suffer recesses and grooves, so much between every tooth. Well imagine you are painting a fence, and you only slapped cover on the outside, without taking the time to coat in the grooves between each wooden board. That fence may check quite white wouldn't it? Nicely painted on the outside, but in the grooves between every wooden board, still dark and dingy, in all of the old paint showing.

When you use teeth whitening strips, the same thing can easily transpire to your teeth if you're not careful. The whiter your teeth become, the greater number of pronounced those dingy cracks seem! Eventually it can end up looking like you experience compact gaps between your teeth. Definitely not the desired result!


Trays with bleaching gels still provide the better combination of the several affordable and several small teeth whitening available. Since I'm a dentist, I can let you in on a few miniature secrets (some secrets which a large number of dentists would put me for telling you since it levels them thousands in lost income)!

First, many of the teeth whitening gels available at your dentist are spot on the same. There is very little bit adjustment based on information from one dentist to another, that is as the gels are formulated by a minute number of manufacturers.

Second, most of the teeth whitening gels available at retail stores are of very poor quality. They've been sitting in a warehouse or on a truck for who knows how long, and as properties are calculated to be "low cost" properties own very low numbers of active ingredients. Older teeth whitening gels use a concentration of only 16% of carbamide peroxide.

Third, the one concern in common between dental office and "store" teeth whitening gels is that they both use glycerin as a carrying agent. Now there is not anything wrong in glycerin by itself. It is not unsafe in any way. However, when mixed with carbamide peroxide, the glycerin is used to attract water out of the enamel in condition to swiftness up the whitening process. This is how spells the most standard half effect of teeth whitening - sensitive teeth! Therefore, you are probable to seek to afford a teeth whitening product that performs not use a glycerin base.


There are five key elements I recommend for constructing absolute you get the best are expected teeth whitening results most any time.

1. Immediately before whitening, brush your teeth for two minutes surrounded by an oxygenating toothpaste combined with the finest natural polishing realtors AND aloe vera to strengthen your gums and forestall any sensitivity. This way you are guaranteed the present the whitening gel directly contacts your tooth enamel (instead of dental plaque).

2. Use form-fitting mouth trays which are fitted to your select bite. Make absolute they fit snugly around every tooth, and at all points properties push firmly to be had the sides of your teeth and gums. The proper home teeth whitening agencies use a moldable tray system that contains mouthpieces which you can actually fit to your mouth. You mold them by soaking them for a few moments in warm water, then you force the plastic up (or down) against your teeth and gums. When the plastic cools you have a nice soft plastic mouthpiece too is fitted to the curves of your precise smile.

3. You should use as solid of teeth whitening gel as are expected to ensure that the time your teeth are in contact amidst the whitening gel is well spent. Use a 21% carbamide peroxide concentrated teeth whitening gel overly is formulated specifically to lower the sensitivity to your teeth and gums, (in a greater number of idioms - NO glycerin!). This percentage of concentration too spells a whiter result in a shorter span of time. Finally, a flavored teeth whitening gel assists - why not get the encounters as pleasant as possible? No trouble for it to taste bad!

4. Immediately subsequent to your teeth whitening treatment, inflate the effect by employing an oxygenating oral rinse. Remember, obtain sure not to use a mouthwash too contains alcohol, as this can actually chemically curtail the bleaching effect, not to talk about it dries your mouth out!

I recommend subsequent to the current teeth whitening technique for 5 days in a row. You can even do the top and bottom arch separately for comfort if you prefer. After'll own a noticeably whiter smile - GUARANTEED!
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About the Author
Joe Wiley is an online product reviewer. Learn more about The Secrets And Truth About Brite Teeth Whitening by visiting . Actually it is possible to have a brite teeth whitening from the comfort of your home.

Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies That Work

For years, people have been searching for natural teeth whitening products that work and that do not damage their teeth. If you want to try at-home remedies to have a beautiful, bright smile, here are a few suggestions:

Baking soda has been used in many types of toothpaste to whiten teeth. The abrasiveness helps to significantly remove stains and make teeth cleaner and whiter. Whether you brush with baking soda directly, or mix it with a little hydrogen peroxide, it can work wonderfully. It is important to note however that baking soda should only be used a couple of times each month as the abrasiveness can damage your tooth enamel.

Lemon juice is another popular product for natural teeth whitening. Lemon juice contains natural bleaching properties that will help you to obtain a brighter smile quickly. You can brush your teeth with it or simply rub the peel across your teeth. Keep in mind however, that the acidity in lemon juice also has the potential to weaken tooth enamel. Dentists recommend not using lemon juice for a tooth whitening remedy because of the dangers of depleting vital calcium in the teeth and eventually causing tooth decay.

Keeping with the kitchen theme, strawberries are also commonly used for teeth whitening. Even though strawberries tend to stain clothing, looks can be deceiving. This home remedy can produce significant results. If you want to try this natural teeth-whitening remedy, simply rub the strawberries over your teeth. You should then brush your teeth quickly afterward. Another way to use strawberries for teeth whitening is to mash them into a substance that resembles toothpaste and then simply brush your teeth. Remember to brush them again with toothpaste quickly afterward to remove the acid that could cause damage to your tooth enamel.

Of course, you should first always be sure to take proper care of your teeth. Regular brushing and flossing can go a long way in fighting stains caused from smoking, coffee, wine and other staining food and drink. There are also teeth whitening kits that you can purchase, should you prefer not to use things found in your kitchen. Dazzle White, for instance, produces a brilliantly bright smile in just minutes. Whether you opt for natural teeth whitening remedies or prefer to purchase an at-home whitening kit, keeping your teeth healthy through brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups is important not only for that bright smile, but for the health of your teeth and gums as well.

To learn more about Natural Teeth Whitening [], visit our site at []

By Stai Leys 
Article Source: Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies That Work

Natural Teeth Whitening Secrets

There are many traditional and professional dental systems available to whiten teeth, but natural teeth whitening methods remain a popular choice to brighten smiles and whiten teeth. Some prefer an alternative solution to chemically laced whitening methods because of health concerns and the desire live a truly green lifestyle. Others simply cannot afford the cost of a dental treatment at the local dentist's office and prefer to find a natural teeth whitening method that fits their budget.

There are many alternative procedures for whitening teeth that have been used for years. Other natural teeth whitening secrets have either been available to very few or have not been very popular. In any case, there are several viable methods that have been attested to by users and some dentists alike as to their effectiveness. Of course, not all procedures are equally effective in all users due to several variables such as teeth and gum health, the personal discipline of the user and persistence in using a slower acting procedure in some cases. Also, some ingredients within various methods work better for some users than for others.

Natural ingredients do not tend to produce as deep of a whitening effect or to be as harsh as some professional whitening methods. But many of the natural teeth whitening methods have proved to be quite effective and remain as some of the best secrets in alternative dental care. There is a wide array of ingredients used among the various solutions that have been successful for many who need a safe, cost effective way to whiten teeth. Everything from certain fruits, vegetables, salt, vinegar, and bark, to yes, even charcoal are important ingredients in different natural teeth whitening methods. The two ingredients that are used perhaps the most are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Health safety, convenience, and cost are the most important reasons that people seek an alternative to patented dental systems that are offered by many dental offices. There is very little risk to using many of the natural teeth whitening secrets available if the user is realistic about his or her dental condition and how white they expect their teeth to be after a treatment.  Most ingredients can be found in the kitchen cupboard or purchased at the grocery store for about the price of a tube of toothpaste or less. As with any health issue, if there are any questions or problems regarding a particular method of natural teeth whitening, it is best to consult a dental professional for further help.

P.S. Orr has been writing articles for 6 years on a variety of topics of interest. Come visit the latest website over at which helps people find the best deals on []kids captain beds and more information about great storage bed ideas.

By P.S. Orr 
Article Source: Natural Teeth Whitening Secrets